Jul 18Liked by Soman Chainani

OH. MY. GOD. WHAT??!! Soman you directed Davy & Stu??! OMG I've seen a clip of this film when I was scrolling through videos and I remembered it because I liked the ambiance and the portrayal of that hazy, youthful sprout of love. I thought it was a 1990s film lol. I'm so surprised to know the director is my favorite book author!!!

I'm so glad that you've made it past all those hard times to bring to life the amazing world of SGE. I will be looking forward to the future worlds you'll be showing us! Can't wait to know about that big surprise coming up!!!

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Ahhhh, I can't believe you know that movie. It warms my heart!!!!

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This is a very interesting background to the SGE books! I'm glad you started them out as books and then years later, it became a movie. It may have been harder for me to connect with the series if it was primarily a set of movies/ a movie franchise then books I could read.

Also, I'm curious, but do you think that Sge or anything connected or related to that universe and even your upcoming books could ever become an RPG? If it did, you bet I would be playing nonstop and trying to get and upgrade all the characters! Plus it could encourage some to be readers just to find out the lore and fall in love with it.

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Oh boy, I know nothing about RPGs. Where should I start with learning about them?

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I think forums and maybe talking to other gamers/watching videos for different popular RPGs out there that explain the way it operates and how to upgrade characters and stuff are a great start!

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I got chills when you described receiving your tree vision! It is always exhilarating to learn about the very first idea behind huge fandoms. I am so curious how you turned that spark into SGE without losing either the core of the story or your own excitement about it along the way. Did the rest of the story ideas just flow to you naturally after that first idea (like the characters' names and relationships and the whole plot) or did you have to fight for them? How many of the books did that first synopsis cover? So excited to hear more, and also so excited for your mysterious reveal!

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It was three books in that initial synopsis, but I was always thinking of doing 9... because I'm crazy ambitious like that ha ha. I think I just always let the ideas flow versus trying to corral them. I feel like the story just happens to me versus me puppeteering it. That's why I always marvel at the twists and turns as much as all of you guys do...!

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Wow, what a whirlwind journey! Did Malia inspire Sheeba Sheeks at all, with her "bush to TREE" line?

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that green karaoke room is the saddest thing i've ever seen.

and the squirrel/crane shot.... bahahahaha. ;D

can't wait for part II next week. :)

thanks, as ever, for bringing the joy and intrigue!! :D

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I was a madman!!!!

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past tense…?! 😂💘

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