Jun 18Liked by Soman Chainani

This was an amazing thing to find when I woke up this morning in my email. One of my pieces of joy is a schorching summer day, with the smell of the ocean or chlorine in your hair, ice cream in your hand, and the feeling of sun on your skin.

Or picking up your favorite book after a while and rereading it and loving it all over again, on a cold winter day drinking hot chocolate in a cozy reading chair.

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Oh, your list gave me joy!

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Even when I'm reading somebody else's pieces of joy, this list feels like a warm embrace to me! How even the simplest things can bring sparks of joy to our life.

One of my little pieces of joy is re-visiting a book I haven't read for a while and discovering something that has always been there, yet somehow I forgot about! (and co-incidentally I have just re-discovered Beezle a few days ago too! I was totally one of the people who never remembered him)

And assembling pieces of a glass bottle (broken by accident, it happens sometimes) so that it looks like a bottle again - except with glue lines like the concept of kintsugi. I could never finish any because of shattered glass, but broken things mended always look more beautiful to me.

And I think MeTV sounds interesting! The concept art looks so cool. Hope we can know more about it someday!

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Assembling a broken bottle!!!! That gave me a warm feeling. Must be primal... And I keep wondering, maybe I'll do a special tier one day for members where we break down MeTV together and I let you read it and we figure out why it didn't quite make the cut.

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Yayy! I can't wait!!! XD

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Hi! I think you have already achieved what you wrote in the beginning, as I love re-reading your books. The first time I read SGE I couldn't stop reading and once I finished them, I only wanted to read more. There are also MANY scenes that made me really happy, and I keep coming back to them.

Some of my pieces of joy involve re-reading scenes of my favorites books, which includes SGE. Others are watching my pets sleeping, seeing someone from my past that I rarely see but that I like (it always leave me with a smile), talking about shared memories with someone, rainy and cozy days without nothing to worry about, when there's an unexpected update of my favorite fic or author, and realizing that I have improved at something.

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Thank you for this beautiful complement! Realizing when you've improved is such a warm, cozy feeling, isn't it?

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Big fan of 25! ( refilling the bathtub with your toes).

I binge read a friend’s book in the bathtub one night and later told her, “it was a 3 refills book!” And that’s how we now grade a good book. How many times did you have to refill the tub to keep reading?

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Masterful. It really is the best measure.

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Wow! Your writing is so immersive that it's easy to get lost in it.

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Thank you :) I get lost in it myself!

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Reading that back, I sound like a snoot, lmao. I just mean I get lost writing it and all time and universe disappears, which is probably why I do it... to avoid interacting with the world...!

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Pieces of joy include:

Seeing my big kid (17) reading with us at night and recommending books to me so he can talk with someone about it!

Seeing my 16 year old dachshund play tug of rope (gently) with my spouse.

Reading all the books I can find during summer break (teacher here).

Not responding to school emails in June or July!

And thank YOU for two reasons: 1. Your weekly diary that I read out loud to my teaching partner (who, BTW, says you're an amazing writer and I agree) and 2. For putting salt in your water in the summer. My friends think I'm crazy for doing that but THEY don't know what they're missing!

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omg my friend Anna and I (we’re both named Anna haha) would LOVE to be focus readers 😭 genuinely praying you see this. i’m such a massive fan of SGE, which Anna introduced me too and i soon got obsessed with (both currently rereading them because why not) and seeing a new type of writing in the works would be so cool!! i’ve also been in a bit of a reading draught, so having new things to read that i’m genuinely interested in is a must. we love your writing!!!

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This was a nice and positive read! I think my pieces of joy involve the stars and moon, coffee, food, and books. Well many little things.

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I love your list too.

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This was the absolute BEST way to start my day! One of my little pieces of joy--the way my obnoxious, demanding, aggresively affectionate and fluffy cat likes to rub his face on my protein shake bottle or soda can before he allows me to drink it.

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What do you think he's up to?

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My thinking is that, emotionally, he's an absolute Velcro cat who desperately wants to be involved in whatever is going on, and physically, he's also a bit of an allergic/congested cat (in spite of many antibiotics and hundreds of dollars of tests) and I think a cool metal can feels nice on his face.

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I agree SO MUCH on 46. Connection is important. Also, who the hell was Beezle in SGE? By the way, I looove how you write, it's so beautiful. I really enjoy reading this diary every week! ;)

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Thank you so much! OMG. You forgot Beezle?????????????? Dagger to heart.

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You're welcome! I know, how could I forget!?!? I guess I just need to reread them again haha. IF I ever find the time for that

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My favourite thing to do is to watch the rain pour. Like, no one else is home, it’s raining so hard you’re not sure it’ll ever stop, and the crazy idea of running out into it and getting drenched crosses your mind, but you don’t actually do it because maybe that’s a little TOO crazy.

This diary has also become a little weekly piece of joy for me. I love being able to chat with you and see into this part of your process. It sort of feels like I’m receiving a letter from a friend in an age where we’ve forgotten what that used to mean.

Also side note…I remember absolutely HATING Beezle as a kid 😭😭 I fall into the ‘did not respect’ category because you best believe I remembered him.

(I’ll say though, I disliked him as a pERSON — or dwarf — and less so as a character. As a character, I can respect him…I guess 😭)

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I mean, I don't know if Beezle deserved any respect. He just was such a pest but in the best possible way. Also he served no purpose but I kept finding ways to throw him in scenes. And thank you for reading every week!!

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