May 21Liked by Soman Chainani

Hello there! Just popping in to say thank you for writing this series; I’ve recently subscribed and each week it is a true delight reading your entry. You have a beautiful voice, thank you for brightening my day :) Huzzah for Malinky!

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I'm honored! Thank you for reading.

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May 22Liked by Soman Chainani

What a wonderful, heart-warming story. I have been reading your weekly entries but I had to drop a note on this one! I even sent this to my mom and listened to her read it over the phone. There was an 'aw' and then bigger 'awww' and then "ah yes in James Herriot books they would cover the baby in the afterbirth so it's quite normal!" to which I denounced the use of the word 'normal'.

I hope you keep us updated with Malinky and mama cow's bonding progress (Malinky is a name I am surely taking for my own fluffies!) and I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us!

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I'm officially obsessed with your mother now. The "normal" made me laugh out loud!!! Meanwhile, Malinky and Mom are doing just great. My partner says the Mom is the most protective of Malinky out of all the moms and their calves in the entire field!

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May 22Liked by Soman Chainani

wow!! this was so heartwarming and I love the name Malinky! I am a HUGE SGE fan (Sophie for life) and I found this through the SGE website (I love my rabbit holes). Thank you for inspiring me every day!

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So happy to have you here!!!!

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There's so much going on here. The story of Mom and Malinky is great (and teaches us a new word). The effort to relate it to the writing process works nicely.

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gaaaaahhhh!!! needed this today. THanK yOU.

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I love this!! Agreed and thank you, this makes me believe in pushing forward and pursuing my writing ideas until full capacity even more.

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Follow the idea!

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I grew up on a farm with cattle and horses and once a donkey and a goat... I remember such scenes as helping a cow give birth but fortunately was not fully grown and not expected to assist, and listening to the mothers search and call out for their calves once they were big enough to get sent to the livestock auction... calling until they were hoarse. There is something basically human, simple, and deeply touching from the lessons that animals teach us, if we let them. How could you name him anything other than Malinky after this??

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Looks like stubbornness is the key factor for success in both creativity AND farming :) Yay for little Malinky!

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It really is all about the art of banging your head against a wall without denting it :)

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What a great story. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Interestingly enough the word “Malinky” (stress on the Ma) means “Little” in Russian. Also, “Malinka” is a diminutive of “Raspberry” in Russian. I think, little guy’s name is a pretty clear in my opinion. I currently have the same issue with an idea that is awesome in its infancy but I keep failing to fully solve it. Do I stick with it or move onto a new one? I love your insight. The struggle is real!

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I would stick with it. Also, I know you are the ultimate perfectionist, so sometimes it's about being less hard on yourself and just pressing ahead... Sometimes your brain will actually lead you to the right place through several iterations.

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