Apr 16Liked by Soman Chainani

I am BEYOND nervous for Joe 😭😭😭 as excited as I am to hear the album, I hope we as a fandom can remember not to jump to conclusions when we don’t know the whole story, and also that every story has two sides.

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Apr 16Liked by Soman Chainani

I agree with what you said, hard times for both the old and youngs nowadays haha.

Compared to fantasy, people can relate so much more to what is being said in a real world setting. Could that affect the way we perceive how scenes play out? For me, I'm nit-picky at details in a contemporary setting because it's easier to see them (maybe even see myself doing similar things to the characters), but less so with fantasy settings.

I struggle so much trying to write non-cringey dialogues in any settings though, and writer's block hasn't been helping much lately. I'd like to respond that reversely, as a young person I struggle with writing adults' and elder people's dialogues. But I actually just struggle with writing about any character that is different from me haha

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This is fascinating, and I'm chuckling at the universe for this timing, because I was just having this conversation with a friend, and thinking about the balance of "truth to power" vs "respect for wisdom." I think it's dangerous to swing either way--to let intimidated awe keep us from change on the one hand, or to equate knowledge with wisdom on the other. It's a tough balance. I actually think this is one area where third spaces like church can be beneficial: I'm regularly in contact with people who are 7, 17, and 70 because of those spaces.

Both my current projects happen to be about elderly characters at the moment. Middle grade is my home town, so it's been a bit interesting getting into the 65+ head space. Anyway, all your hints about your project just make me more intrigued! Can't wait to read it!

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Apr 16Liked by Soman Chainani

I guess to avoid cringe I just don't really resort to stereotypes and let the characters write themselves in a way. Then again it may be easier to write younger characters as a young person myself.

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Im so nervous for Joe but I can’t wait to hear the album. I feel like these days as a 15 year old girl myself all the pressure of social media is what keeps us from expressing our emotions. We feel as if we will let someone down if we crumble and admit what we’re feeling. I’ve been bullied called awful names behind my back and I didn’t know why I thought I was a nice person so everyone had said. But when I went to my friends they told me I was lying and overreacting so I had a mental breakdown because I felt like I opened myself up just to get hurt even more. I think the way to get through to people is through experience and relationships. But also diversity is a big key. I have always been able to connect with characters that go through a different level of emotional challenges for example the novel divine rivals the main character iris winnow has to deal with her brother fighting in war with no word and her family barley being able to afford rent, then her mom gets killed and she leaves her dream job to write the truth and she finds love in her truth and rival but also going through so much heartbreak. It’s the mental part that I feel like adults may not understand how much pressure us teenagers have these days. That’s why u read is to escape reality that sucks at times and when the author can transport you into this world that you can relate to on some levels.

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I appreciate the candor in your journal entries as well as this piece’s example of the reverse Bell Curve. I’ve been observing how modern technology has β€œpunched” the peak downward into explosive ends. Now, it’s affecting the separation between generations. Well said!

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I also often worry about not portraying my characters accurately or carefully enough and I don't ever want to offend anyone or come off as cringe; this is why I normally just set my stories in a different fantasy world because then I don't have to worry about the lingo being outdated or wrong haha. Plus then I get to come up with my own fantasy cultural norms which is always fun!

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